The News Craving
The government has initiated the procurement of a Linear Accelerator (LINAC) for the Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Soura. Health Minister Sakeena Itoo announced on Sunday that the state-of-the-art equipment is being acquired to bolster cancer treatment facilities in the region.
“The health sector is a priority for the government, and we are committed to providing world-class medical facilities to our people. The procurement of LINAC is a major step in this direction and part of a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing cancer treatment across J&K,” the minister said.
How LINAC Will Transform Cancer Care
The Linear Accelerator (LINAC) is a cutting-edge medical device equipped with integrated CT or MRI scanners for precise image guidance. It generates high-energy X-rays and electron beams to effectively target and destroy cancer cells, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues.
The introduction of this technology at SKIMS is expected to significantly improve treatment outcomes for cancer patients in Jammu and Kashmir. The minister emphasized that the facility will particularly benefit economically disadvantaged patients, reducing the need for travel outside the region for advanced care.
“This facility will not only bring top-tier cancer treatment closer to home but also reduce the financial burden on families,” Itoo stated.
Investment in Health
According to an official spokesperson, the LINAC will be installed at the State Cancer Institute within SKIMS at an estimated cost of Rs. 29 crore. The acquisition marks a pivotal step in advancing the medical infrastructure in the region and providing relief to thousands of cancer patients.